

You are entering the secure site for CCPOA Benefit Trust Members.

Access to this page is for CCPOA Members only. 


MyBenefits Portal

Use this portal to update your contact information and view Member benefits through the Trust.

 Member Portal Info

MyBenefits Portal

This portal currently accesses Member data only.

  • Members Only: Update their contact information
  • Members Only: Benefits through the Trust
  • Members Only: Open claim information
 Request your BTF Participant-ID Card:
Request BTF-ID Card

 Member Portal Forms

Member Portal Forms:
Dependents OVER 18 need to give their permission for the Benefit Portal:
  • If you have an adult dependent, we need their permission to have their benefit information displayed on the Portal.
  • The reverse is also true. If their information is currently displayed, and they want it removed they need to sign off on that as well.

Dependent/Proxy Authorization

Dependent/Proxy Cancellation

 Coming Soon:

Information, Benefits and Claims for Spouse and Dependents