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Coverage for Non-Occupational Disabilities* | 67% of base pay up to $6,000 per month (whichever is lower)** | 100% of base pay up to $3,000 per month (whichever is lower)* |
Coverage for Occupational Disabilities* | As of January 1, 2018, a minimum benefit of $300* per month in addition to your IDL 1 or EIDL 2 payments from the State. Provided only under Gold Shield | A minimum benefit of $400 per month in addition to your IDL1 or EIDL2 payments from the State. |
Elimination Period | 30 consecutive calendar days | 180 consecutive calendar days |
Maximum Benefit Period | Up to 24 months for non-occupational injury or illness. Up to age 65 for non-occupational disabilities if disabled from working any occupation. Up to 24 months for occupational injury or illness | Up to 24 months for occupational and non-occupational injury or illness |
Coordination with CTB, NDI, ENDI, Sick Leave and Other Benefits | Coordinates with income you are eligible to receive under NDI3, CTB4, ENDI5, TD6, PD7, Sick leave, and any other individual or group disability benefits ( for example: disability insurance by Standard or AFLAC) to provide a combined total monthly benefit of up to 67% of your base pay, except that the combined Trust benefits will in no event exceed $6,000 per month or be less than $300* per month | Coordinates with income you are eligible to receive under NDI3, CTB4, ENDI5, TD6, PD7, Sick leave, and any other individual or group disability benefits ( for example: disability insurance by Standard or AFLAC) to provide a combined total monthly benefit of up to 100% of your base pay, except that the combined Trust benefits will in no event exceed $3,000 per month or be less than $400 per month |
Premium Waiver*** | Your monthly premium will be waived once you have been certified disabled for 60 consecutive calendar days | Your monthly premium will be waived once you have been certified disabled for 60 consecutive calendar days |
Surviving Dependent Benefit | Six months of continued monthly benefits | Three months of continued monthly benefits |
Premium | $55 per month. (Starting July 1, 2019) | $45 per month |
1Industrial Disability Leave; 2Enhanced Industrial Disability Leave; 3Non-Industrial Disability Insurance; 4Catastrophic Time Bank; 5Enhanced Non-Industrial Disability Insurance; 6Temporary Disability; 7Permanent Disability *These benefits are offset under the Plan by certain other income benefits. Minimum monthly benefit of $300 applies to disabilities occurring after January 1, 2018. **Gold Shield provides a 75% benefit if the injury or illness is so severe that you can not work any other occupation and that after 24 months of benefits you cannot perform two basic Activities of Daily Living (including bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence and feeding), for non-occupational disabilities. Otherwise benefits remain at 67%. ***Premium Waivers are effective only after the “elimination period” of the policy has been met and for covered disabilities only. After being certified disabled, you must wait 30 consecutive days for Gold Shield benefits; 180 days for Silver Shield benefits. *These benefits are offset under the Plan by certain other income benefits. 1Industrial Disability Leave 2Enhanced Industrial Disability Leave 3Non-Industrial Disability Insurance 4Catastrophic Time Bank 5Enhanced Non-Industrial Disability Insurance 6Temporary Disability 7Permanent Disability |